Jack Frost Herbal Cold Remedy Tea Here’s a recipe from my herbal business, Mystic Naturals. Helps relieve the symptoms of the cold and flu including fever. Especially soothing for sore throats. The best supplier of high quality organic & wildcrafted herbs is Mountain Rose Herbs. For more recipes check out my herbal eBook, A Journey into […]
Herbal Remedies for the Cold & Flu Season
Symptoms are signals that our body is out of balance is some way, in a state of dis-ease. Symptoms themselves should not necessarily be suppressed, as what modern medicine and pharmaceuticals strive for, but to be treated by healing the whole system on a deeper level. Herbal and natural remedies, taken properly and without the […]
10 Natural Tips for Cold & Flu Prevention
Do you know what natural precautions to take that help prevent a cold or the flu? This article will outline 10 simple and natural steps to take to stay healthier this cold and flu season. Also, all of these suggestions work year round for maintaining a healthier body. Both the cold and flu viruses are […]
Strengthen Your Immune System, Perk Up Your Metabolism, Reduce Inflammation and More With Vitamin C
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is an essential nutrient that is found naturally in all fruits and vegetables, although some have much higher concentrations. Vitamin C is water-soluble and as one of the least stable of the vitamins, cooking can destroy much of its nutritional value. The body does not manufacture vitamin C on its own, […]