Symptoms are signals that our body is out of balance is some way, in a state of dis-ease. Symptoms themselves should not necessarily be suppressed, as what modern medicine and pharmaceuticals strive for, but to be treated by healing the whole system on a deeper level. Herbal and natural remedies, taken properly and without the […]
Essential Oils for the Cold & Flu Season
The following essential oils are useful for sinus infections, congestion, colds and flu.
Rosemary – antiseptic
Thyme – antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic
Peppermint – anti-inflammatory, antiseptic
Eucalyptus – antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, reduces fever
3 Simple Meditations to Reduce Stress
Breath Meditation Staying focused in the present takes a little practice but once learned, it’s a simple way to reduce your stress and add a new dimension to your life. An easy way to get started is by paying attention to your breath – this is also referred to as ‘conscious breathing’. Take a few […]
Everything You Need to Know About Cauliflower
Photo by Horia Varlan Do you know that cauliflower reduces the risk of cancer, moves blockages within the body, is rich in nutrients and a healthy food overall? I’ll admit it, until I was aware of just how beneficial cauliflower is to our health, my consumption was limited to nibbling flowerets off an hors d’oeuvres […]
Seaweeds: A Natural Health Cure
Health Benefits of Seaweeds Seaweeds or sea vegetables are some of the most nutrient-rich foods. This is because they are constantly bathed in the mineral-rich waters of the sea. They contain high amounts of iodine, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and some are very high in protein. Seaweeds contain 10 to 20 times more minerals than […]
Fish Oil Can Be Essential to Our Diets
Author: Lori Matthews These days, omega-3 fatty acids are in the news a lot. You might think that those involved in “holistic” health pursuits would be the ones touting these amazing little gems, but in fact, the mainstream medical profession, too, has taken note. In fact, our diets are woefully inadequate when it comes to […]